I know You want to be Great
You want to get married
You are so worried about your age
So You are in a hurry
Some want to be fruitful
Others successful and useful
We all wanna pass with
A first class
Most of us want to be blessed
Without much stress
We all have a Heart full
Of what we wished for
But the question is
How much do You crave for that thing?
If You need it like You said You do
You won't stop saying it
You won't stop fighting for it
And You won't stop pressing on
Working like your Life depends on it
Let me take you down memory lane
Blind Bartimeaus
Son of Timeaus
Pressed on and refused to give up
Even when he was told to shut up
He ignored and screamed more
Lets not forget
The woman with the issue of blood
She took it upon herself
That if only she could touch
The hem of His garment
She shall be healed of her ailment
She never allowed the circumstances
Surrounding her to stop her
Jesus was a crowd mover
But that woman broke through the crowd
It wasn't easy
But it was worth it at the end
Her aim was to be healed
She could have given up
When she was trampled on
But instead she fought her way through
And got her miracle instantly
Same vein when we pass through
Difficulties in life
We should not give up
But look up to God
Life is not about what you couldn't do so far,
It's about what you can still do
So I urge You to press on
Give life a chance
Whatever you're facing today,
Keep going.
Keep moving.
Keep hoping.
Keep pressing on.
There is victory on the other side
You just need a little faith
To slide your way through.
Some people have given up
On theirselves
Alot of them are too okay with their problems
And people now address them
With their predicament
Don't be too comfortable
Like the man in the pool of Bethseda
That waited for 38yrs
Before he got his healing
Make a Move
You can't always depend on People
For everything
Walk out of that thing
God is counting on You to do so
My Pastor once said
If He doesn't touch You
You touch him
Don't wait to be moved
Make a move
You are not a tree
God' miracle is available to all His Children
You have access to God's blessings
All He needs is your availability
And your ability to have Faith in Him
Stop waiting for People to help You
Like the story of the Leper
You are your only Helper
Take a leap of Faith
Stop fixing your eyes on Men
Many people have strangulated their destinies
By fixing their eyes on Men
Just like the Psalmist
Fix your eyes on God
Who made the Heavens and the Earth
Even Jesus lifted up His voice
And called on God
And He was filled with the Spirit
His impact was instant
All eyes was fixed on him
And His name was spread abroad
That same God that did it for Him
And the rest of them
Is still at work
"For I am the LORD, I change not;
(Malachi 3:6)
He is the God of yesterday
Today and forever more
How much do you really seek Him?
What's your challenge
What's that stress
Or ailment
That's making You restless
Having sleepless nights
Some even wet their pillows at night
With tears
Let go of your fears
Enough of the weeping
Weeping may endure for a night
But joy comes in the morning
Your joy has come
So rejoice in the Lord
Take a stand today
Leave your comfort zone
You have stayed in that box for too long Nothing in this life is easy
Don't expect things to be given to you
You have to take whatever
You want by force
Press forward
Even though the World is pushing You Backward
Press on till you move in
If you try and its not working
Or You are not seeing your desired result
Consult the Maker
Don't stop
Till you get an answer
And that problem is solved
Don't stop calling on God
Till You get to the top
Where You can't be stopped
The Greatness of any man
Is determined by His level of Faith
Let it get to the point
Where You say God is only You
Some people will call You names
While others will make mockery
It happens because People have
Myopic way of thinking
Don't let that bother You
God is totally committed to You
If everything has failed
I want you to know that God has not failed.
Even if things are crashing,
Please don't let your hope crash.
To expect it to believe
Believe again,
Expect again,
Trust again,
Pray again.
It may tarry
But don't give up in a hurry
Hold unto Him
Trust Him like a Child
And He will nurse You like a Mother
Those who trust in the Lord
He shall renew their strength
"God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?" (Numbers 23:19). #ZTB #SpokenWordPoetry #TrustGod
Reviewed by Theblow360
3:32 AM
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